Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Life has changed for me since I set up this blog. I no longer work at the Safford City-Graham County Library, and I am learning first hand the adventures of living with only part time jobs. Yes, I did say jobs, not job, as I now have more than one. The rock and constant in these jobs is the EAC Media Center. I know that the very special hearts that work in this building were there for me in a time that I really needed them. I worked here before the other library…in the library, not the media center. I was blessed to be able to start here almost immediately after I became employment challenged, I have 15 hours a week with people that heal a person’s heart and soul instead of not understanding how positive reinforcement works. Now, in all fairness I must say that there are some really good and loving people that work there. There are just some of the others that work there too. Let’s just say before leaving the subject that I learned a great deal about watching your back. Apparently not enough though. All I know is that I’m now happier than I have been in years...even without health benefits.

Easter was this last weekend and it was really nice. Rachel and her family came and so I had the chance to visit and spend time with all of my grandkids. I love doing that! Amber took family pictures of Rachel’s family and I enjoyed seeing the personalities of my grandsons burst out of them all over the place. Amber might have been challenged, but I loved it from where I was standing. Amber does such a good job that I can hardly wait to see the pictures! She always gets such amazing shots! We hunted Easter eggs at EAC’s Fine Arts Center where there is grass and lots of places to hide eggs on different levels of difficulty, for all the kids to have a good time. I think they did even though it was a little windy.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Okay, here I go...

The question I’m asking myself is why am I writing a blog? Is that the correct terminology? The only thing I know about blogs is that I have kids and relatives that are bloggers, and it’s pretty cool being able to stay informed about what’s happening, but I’m pretty boring, and very intimidated by my daughter Amber’s blog that is amazing, so why am I doing this? The answer must be twofold: first, this was an assignment from an opportunity at work to become more technology literate. I’m all for that, so here it is. The second reason is more personal. I sometimes feel like I don’t have much of a life since my kids all left me to my empty nest, and a new focus for my energy is a good thing. Even if I’m sending this into the blue nowhere, at least I’m reaching out in a new direction that I want to develop. What do you think? I guess it’s worth a shot, and so here goes, with no promises or scheduled posts promised. All I can promise is that as I have time and equipment available, you will hear from me if you look here for it. I look forward to sharing…pictures, thoughts, frustrations and happiness’s. Hope you all have a great new year in 2009!